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Mouth Breathing 
Breathe better, live better

Are you aware that how you breathe could affect your overall health and well-being? Mouth breathing, a common but often overlooked habit, can affect various aspects of your life.


From sleep quality to facial development, its effects are far-reaching. Discover the importance of proper breathing and how Myofunctional Therapy could be the key to unlocking a healthier, more vibrant you.


Mouth breathing might seem harmless, but its repercussions can extend beyond mere inconvenience.

When you breathe better, you live better!

Visual Signs:

  • Open mouth

  • Strained lip seal

  • Gummy smile

  • Overextended maxilla

  • Larger lower lip

  • Deep chin crease/chin dimpling

  • Retracted chin

  • Steep angle of mandible 

  • Tongue tie

  • Audible breathing

  • Snoring

  • Dry mouth

  • Dark circles under the eyes 

Open mouth posture and indentation under lower lip demonstrating mouth breathing habit
Gummy smile / over-extended maxilla demonstrating sign of incorrect oral rest posture and/or mouth breathing
Strained lip seal indicating mouth breathing
Steep mandibular plane commonly seen in those with a mouth breathing habit

Chronic mouth breathing can lead to a range of health issues including:


  • Impaired Sleep Quality:

    • ​Mouth breathing is associated with poor sleep patterns, leading to fatigue, irritability, and decreased cognitive function.

  • Orthodontic and Facial Development Issues:

    • Prolonged mouth breathing in childhood can affect facial growth, leading to dental malocclusions, crowded teeth, and changes in facial appearance.

  • Increased Risk of Dental Problems:

    • Mouth breathing often contributes to dry mouth, promoting the growth of harmful bacteria and increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

  • Breathing Pattern Disorders:

    • Chronic mouth breathing may disrupt the balance between the two primary breathing pathways, causing oxygen and carbon dioxide levels imbalances.

  • Grinding (bruxism) and clenching

  • Snoring and/or sleep apnea

  • Orthodontic relapse

  • Narrow arches (upper / lower jaw), malocclusion (crowding/crossbite)

  • Slow/messy eating, choking, gagging

  • Digestive concerns 

How can myofunctional therapy help?

By addressing the root causes of these habits, Myofunctional Therapy aims to:

  1. Restore Nasal Breathing: Through targeted exercises, Myofunctional Therapy helps individuals transition from mouth to nasal breathing, promoting better oxygenation and improving overall respiratory function.

  2. Facilitate Proper Tongue Posture: Correct tongue posture is crucial for oral and facial development. Myofunctional Therapy guides individuals to achieve and maintain proper tongue posture for optimal health.

  3. Strengthen Orofacial Muscles: Targeted exercises help strengthen the muscles of the face and mouth, promoting improved muscle tone and function.

  4. Enhance Swallowing Patterns: Myofunctional Therapy addresses improper swallowing patterns associated with mouth breathing, contributing to more balanced and natural swallowing.

Contact Me &
Let's Get Started

If you would like to book a myofunctional therapy assessment or have questions and want to learn more, fill out this form or e-mail me directly at! No referral necessary!

Signs or Symptoms
myofunctional therapy Barrie, myofunctional therapy near me, myo munchee Canada, Myofunctional therapy, tongue tie, myofunctional therapy ontario

Service is provided inside Dr. Elston Wong Dentistry and virtually

222 Mapleview Dr. West, Unit 1+2

Barrie, ON L4N 9E7 

P: 705-721-1143

F: 705-721-9940

© 2024 Charm Myofunctional Therapy

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