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Tongue Tie
(Ankyloglossia / Restrictive tethered oral tissues) 

Have you ever been told or wondered if you have a tongue tie? Did your parents tell you that you had a tongue tie addressed as a newborn but still notice tension under your tongue? Everyone has tethered oral tissue under their tongues, but not everyone has restrictive tethered oral tissues. Surprisingly, most people with tongue ties haven't ever been told they have one! This often results in a narrow maxilla, crowding of the upper teeth, and an underdeveloped facial profile. The sooner it is addressed, the better to help prevent sleep and airway concerns as we age. It is never too late to address this.

Tongue tie diagnosed by DDS
Tongue tie diagnosed by DDS
Tongue tie diagnosed by DDS

Not all tongue ties appear the same! 

What are the potential symptoms?

A tongue tie, or ankyloglossia, occurs when the thin piece of skin beneath your tongue restricts the normal range of motion. This seemingly small issue can have significant implications for oral and overall health.

  • History of trouble latching / breastfeeding

  • Mouth breathing

  • Speech concerns 

  • Headaches

  • Muscle tension (neck and shoulder)

  • TMJ tension

  • Grinding (bruxism) and clenching

  • Snoring and/or sleep apnea

  • Orthodontic relapse

  • Narrow arches (upper / lower jaw), malocclusion (crowding/crossbite)

  • Slow/messy eating, choking, gagging

  • Digestive concerns 

What should I do about it?


Not all tongue ties require a release! Let's start with an initial assessment to ensure we know which exact goals we need to meet and how long we need to reach them! The dentist will diagnose the tongue tie. If your child is under five years old, it may be recommended to start with a Myo Munchee program until they can withstand a myofunctional therapy program to prepare for the release. If we decide that a release would be beneficial for optimal success: 


Initial intensive Myofunctional Sessions

The first 3-5 sessions will focus on preparing the tongue and surrounding structures for the tongue-tie release. If we do a release without any preparation, the tongue doesn't know any different and will result in minimal changes. Proper training, stretching, and strengthening are essential before and after a release. 


Tongue Tie Release with Referral Provider

The referral will be sent to our tongue-tie release provider after the first 2-3 weeks of therapy. The release itself only takes a few minutes! 1 week of pre-op and post-op exercises will be provided. You get to start moving your tongue again the same day! Minimal recovery is needed as the laser creates a non-invasive, easy healing process!


Remaining Myofunctional Sessions

Therapy begins again one week post tongue-tie release. We will continue to work towards our goals for another 4-10 sessions. There is no cookie-cutter plan. Everyone's needs are different and are customized to each client. 

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